About Us
The New Mexico Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) was created by the legislature in 1985 through the efforts of Toni Martorelli and staff in the Governor’s Office of Children and Youth (the precursor of the Children, Youth and Families Department) in the administration of Governor Toney Anaya (1983-87). Later, during and after Governor Bruce King’s (1991-1995) tenure, First Lady Alice King would provide critical leadership that heightened CTF's role in the prevention of child maltreatment.
The Children’s Trust Fund, through its multi-year grants, provides the means to develop, implement and sustain innovative, community-based programs to prevent child abuse and neglect and to provide medical, psychological, and other appropriate treatment for children who have experienced abuse and neglect. Since 2014, the CTF has granted more than $2 million to organizations and agencies statewide.
The CTF is governed by a board of trustees with 13 members appointed by the Governor and approved by the state Senate. Administration of the CTF is provided by staff of the New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD).
The CTF board also oversees the Next Generation Fund which makes grants supporting positive youth development. The Next Generation Council, appointed by the CTF board, recommends these grants for approval by the CTF board and assists in strengthening statewide efforts to support youth in our state.
Funds for CTF and Next Generation grants are derived from income generated through the sale of the New Mexico KID license plates. CTF also receives a portion of marriage license fees, an annual appropriation from the state legislature, income from invested endowment funds, and donations and grants from other sources. Donations from the public to aid our efforts are most appreciated!
New Mexico’s Children’s Trust Fund is one of forty-seven statewide Trust and Prevention Funds across the country. We are a member of the National Children’s Trust Fund Alliance and support the efforts of Prevent Child Abuse America.
Equity Statement
The New Mexico Children's Trust Fund serves as a statewide resource that advocates for and educates about the prevention of child abuse and neglect, and through its grants program, provides the means to build capacity and to develop innovative community-based programs that prevent child abuse and neglect and provide medical, psychological, and other appropriate treatment for children who have experienced maltreatment. The Children’s Trust Fund also manages the Next Generation Fund which supports positive youth development projects. Our goal is to ensure that all New Mexico children and families thrive.