Past Grants
Small Grants Fiscal Year 2021 to 2022
First Born of Northern NM - $7,500.00: Provided Emergency Discretionary Funds to families in crisis situations in San Miguel and Mora Counties. Provided books to families to ensure a safe and stable environment that promotes positive child development and deters abuse and neglect. https://firstbornprogram.org/main
Guidance Center of Lea County (GCLC) - $5,000.00: Provided temporary and/or stable housing to homeless and insecurely housed families in Lea County. https://www.gclcnm.org
PB&J Family Services, Inc. - $7,500.00: Provided Emergency Discretionary Funds to families in crisis situations in Bernalillo County. https://pbjfamilyservices.org
Santa Fe Recovery - $7,500.00: Provided Minding the Baby® trainings to its Women and Children’s program staff, which serves women and their young children. These trainings enabled staff to build their knowledge and capacity to effectively serve the developmental needs of infants and toddlers who accompany their mothers into its residential treatment program. https://pbjfamilyservices.org
The Birthing Tree - $6,200.00: Provided doula services and childbirth classes to low-income mothers in Santa Fe County. These services provided social & emotional support, and practical guidance that helped families prepare for birth and for caring for their newborn. http://www.thebirthingtree.org
YouthWorks -$5,000.00: Provided meals to low-income children, youth (ages 14-24), and families in Santa Fe County. https://www.santafeyouthworks.org
Appletree Educational Center -$7,500.00: Providing Emergency Discretionary Funds to families in crisis situations in Sierra County. Training staff, youth, and other adult community members on how to recognize abuse & neglect and their role as mandated reporters. http://www.appletreeeducation.org
La Piñon - $60,000.00: Providing a duty to report child abuse training to community agencies and parents as well as providing an age-appropriate body safety training to school-aged children in Dona Ana County. https://www.lapinon.org
New Mexico School for the Blind -$6,600.00: Prevents child abuse statewide by promoting awareness of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) through the “Handle with Care” campaign. http://www.nmsbvi.k12.nm.us
Large Grants -Fiscal Year 2017 to 2021
Aprendamos Intervention – $320,200.00: Helped educate new and expecting fathers through their Conscious Fathering Program in Doña Ana, Luna, Grant, and Sierra Counties. https://aitkids.com/conscious-fathering
Childhaven - $365,000.00: Provided educational activities and peer support groups utilizing the Nurturing Parenting program that promoted the parent-child bond to families in San Juan County. https://childhavennm.org
PB&J Family Services - $399,622.00: Provided a therapeutic parenting program to families with children ages 0-5 in Sandoval County. Families were offered trauma-informed group classes, case management, and home visits that addressed the safety and well-being of children.. https://pbjfamilyservices.org
Taos Health Systems Holy Cross Hospital $346,113.00: Provided parenting classes in English and Spanish to families in Taos County. Attachment-based practice trainings were offered to early childhood and infant mental health providers to streamline and promote coordinated family services across Taos County. https://holycrossmedicalcenter.org/general/taos-love-kids-parenting-classes