The Children’s Trust Fund Board will have an open meeting on November 15, 2024, from 9:00 AM until adjournment. The meeting will be held virtually. For a copy of the agenda, login instructions, please contact Coy Maienza at Coy.Maienza@cyfd.nm.gov or 505-490-2407.
Interested in becoming a Board Member?
Interested in becoming a Board Member?
Children’s Trust Fund: How to Apply for Board Membership
The Children’s Trust Fund Board of Trustees is comprised of thirteen board members from across the state. Board members are appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate.
Minimum Qualifications:
Must have knowledge of children’s programs
Cannot be employed by the State of New Mexico
Terms are four years
Must be willing to attend at least four Board Meetings per year
No compensation, but Members are entitled to per diem and mileage as provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act
Interested in becoming a Board Member? Complete an application by visiting:
Have questions about Board membership?
For more information contact Coy Maienza
Children’s trust fund is proud to announce that they have a provisional chapter status with prevent child abuse America.
Children's Trust Fund Board Meeting
The Children’s Trust Fund is having a virtual board meeting from 9 am to adjournment. For a copy of the agenda and login instructions, contact Colleen.Lambert@state.nm.us or 505-490-2407.

Children’s Trust Fund Board of Trustees is Seeking Board Members
The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) provides statewide advocacy, education, and funding to community organizations for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. The CTF is governed by a board of trustees with 13 members appointed by the Governor and approved by the state Senate. Administration of the CTF is provided by the New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD). The CTF board also oversees the Next Generation Fund which makes grants supporting positive youth development.
Minimum Qualifications:
Must have knowledge of children’s programs.
Cannot be employed by the State of New Mexico.
Must be a resident of New Mexico, applicants outside of the Rio Grande corridor are strongly encouraged to apply.
Role of a Board Member:
Attend board meetings at least four times per year. Participation can occur virtually or in person.
Prior to first meeting, attend an orientation session and hear about current issues before the board.
Serve on committees that help CTF execute its mission. Current committees: Marketing, Legislative, & Finance.
With support from CYFD, develop requests for proposals, review funding proposals, and in collaboration with other board members, make final funding decisions.
Board members are reimbursed as described in the Per Diem and Mileage Act and shall receive no other compensation.
Apply today!
Complete an application by visiting: https://www.governor.state.nm.us/apply/boards-and-commissions/
Contact Colleen Lambert @ Colleen.Lambert@state.nm.us or 505-490-2407.