Report suspected child abuse or neglect
Report suspected child abuse or neglect by calling #SAFE (#7233) from a cell phone or 1-855-333-SAFE. Reports are confidential.
National Resources
These sites offer information on child development, training opportunities, federal laws and regulations, national initiatives and child abuse and neglect prevention strategies.
Children’s Trust Fund Alliance - https://ctfalliance.org/
Child Welfare Information Gateway: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/
National Indian Child Welfare Association - https://www.nicwa.org/about/
Prevent Child Abuse America - https://preventchildabuse.org/
Zero to Three - https://www.zerotothree.org/
New Mexico Resources
These sites provide assistance for finding child care and family support, opportunities for child/family advocacy and statewide initiatives on behalf of children, youth and families.
New Mexico Children’s Cabinet - https://www.childrenscabinetnm.org/
New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department- https://www.cyfd.nm.gov/
New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department - https://www.nmececd.org/
New Mexico Kids - https://www.newmexicokids.org/
New Mexico Voices for Children - https://www.nmvoices.org/